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Lucy and Lady
Dog Psychology

What this is:

One home visit session, to truly understand your pup and transform your relationship with him/her!

(so you know why, how, what to do with their fear/excitement/aggression/anxiety, etc) 

What this is NOT:

Board and Train Program, group class package, 10 traditional obedience/agility classes.

Home: Welcome

Why Dog Psychology?

Simply put, because our furry friends don't use human psychology!

Do you lose your pup's attention when you don't have a treat on hand? 

Do you ever wonder why your pup never settles down and always hyper?

Do you take her to obedience class but she seems to listen selectively?  

Are you baffled by him barking/lunging at certain human/things?

Are you disheartened by her aggression or phobia at a certain moment? 

Have you adopted a rescue / having a new pup but don't know what to do?

A dog can know all the fancy tricks in the world and still wouldn’t listen to you when a cat/squirrel/another dog (your name it!) is present. Because the relationship was not built on trust and respect.

Well, you've come to the right place.

As a dog behaviorist, I create conversations. I will teach you how to read and understand your pup's language, and show you and your family how to speak their language - and you probably would be amazed by how simple and straightforward it is to connect with them and to be (finally) understood - as a leader! 

My question for you - Do you have the confidence to say, I'm giving my pup a fulfilled life because I know him/her inside out? 

Interested? I'll explain.

Free Consultation

Hiring me or not, you will have something to take away from our free consultation call.
I'm happy to hear and answer your questions/concerns.


(Text or email preferred)


What's Next?

NEW RATES effective on Dec 2021

Initial Evaluation *
$200/visit - puppy etiquette (0-4 month)
$250/visit - 1 dog
$300/visit - more than 1 dog

After our consultation call, we will schedule the date and time for me to come to your residence.

You don't have to prepare anything; as a matter of fact, don't change any routine on the day of visit. I'm here to see their normal behavioral / worst case scenario. 

I encourage all family members to be on board, especially the little ones - leading a pack starts young!

I will spend as much time as needed to observe and address your questions and concerns. When it comes to helping animals and families, you should never feel rushed or walk away with uncertainty; so please make sure we save enough time for the visit - on average the first session lasts between 1.5-2.5hr.

Extremely Fear, Anxiety, Aggression case might last longer.

My goal is to make sure that when I step out the door, you and your family have everything you need to be a confident leader.

COVID compliance: I'm fully vaccinated and will be wearing mask during home visit. There is no reschedule or cancelation fee if you or family member have been exposed to COVID or have high risk concerns. 

Follow Up *

Now you've seen the transformation, its time for repetition and consistency!

Usually you will have 1-2wks to practice what you have learned, then you will be able to see progression as well as the areas you still need to work on (or you have discovered new things to work on), feel free to let me know when you need me to come back! Remember, you are 100% accountable for the work you put in and I'm here to support that!

Or, you would like to teach them something new (socialization, learning how to swim, going to a beach, off-leash/re-calls, general obedience,  anything! ).

I welcome all kinds of questions in between visits and I am so happy to answer them. So, how can I help?

* Plus gas and possible parking charges

$5 gas fee - Within 10mi radius OR 30min drive from 91304

$15 gas fee - More than 30min traffic

$25 gas fee - More than 1hr traffic

Thanks for understanding!

[NEW] Virtual Session

Trust me, we all had more Zoom calls than we wanted this year - but this is an alternative if you or your family are at high risk for COVID and still need to address the situation with urgency, or you are located in a different city/state that lacks the right resource.

You'll be able to address any issue at hand and ask me any questions, or simply would like to make sure you and your pup are on the right track. 

How Can I Help?

Thanks for submitting!


...Being a woman myself, I wanted to have a strong female figure that exudes leadership. That’s Lucy and even more. She was calm and assertive and kept redirecting my dog and patiently working through all the corrections... I am already looking forward to meeting with her again next week and learn more about dog and human psychology! Thank you Lucy!

Marianna N.

Nebbia (Cockerspaniel) - Food Aggression 


“You don't get the dog you want, you get the dog you need.”

- Cesar Millan

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